At the time
that turned the heat of the earth,
At the time when the heavens turned and changed,
At the time when the light of the sun was subdued
To cause light to break forth,
At the time of the night of Makali`i (winter)
Then began the slime which established the earth,
The source of deepest darkness.
Of the depth of darkness, of the depth of darkness,
Of the darkness of the sun, in the depth of night,
It is night,
So was night born.
Kumulipo was born in the night, a male.
Pō`ele was born in the night, a female.
A coral insect was born, from which was born perforated coral.
The earth worm was born, which gathered earth into mounds,
From it were born worms full of holes.
The starfish was born, whose children were born starry.
The phosphorous was born, whose children were born phosphorescent.
The `Ina was born `Ina (sea egg).
The Hālula was born Hālula (sea urchin).
The Hāwa`e was born, the Wana-ku was
its offspring.
The Hā`uke`uke was born, the Uhalula was its offspring.
The Pī`oe was born (barnacle), the Pipi was its offspring (clam oyster).
The Pāpaua was born, the `Ōlepe was its offspring (pearl and oyster).
The Nahawele was born, the Unauna was its offspring (muscle and crab in
a shell).
The Makaiaulu was born, the `Opihi was its offspring (limpets).
The Leho was born, the Pūleholeho
was its offspring (cowry).
The Naka was born, its offspring was Kupekala (rock oysters).
The Makaloa was born, the Pupuawa was its offspring.
The `Olē
was born, the `Olē`olē
was its offspring (conch).
The Pipipi was born, the Kūpe`e
was its offspring (limpets).
Kāne was born to Wai`ololī (narrow stream), a female to Wai`ololā (broad
The Wī was born, the Kīkī was its offspring.
The `Ākaha's home was the sea;
Guarded by the `Ekahakaha that grew in the forest (bird's nest fern).
A night of flight by noises
Through a channel; water is life to trees;
So the gods may enter, but not man.
Seaweed and Grasses
Man by Wai`ololī, woman by Wai`ololā,
The `Aki`aki was born and lived in the sea;
Guarded by the Mānienie
`Aki`aki that grew in the forest (Bermuda grass).
A night of flight by noises
Through a channel; water is life to trees;
So the gods may enter, but not man.
Man by Wai`ololī, woman by
The A`ala`ula was born and lived in the sea;
Guarded by the Ala`alawainui that grew in the forest (bird's nest fern).
A night of flight by noises
Through a channel; water is life to trees;
So the gods may enter, but not man.
Man by Wai`ololī, woman by
The Manauea was born and lived in the sea;
Guarded by the Kalo Manauea that grew in the forest (taro).
A night of flight by noises
Through a channel; water is life to trees;
So the gods may enter, but not man.
Man by Wai`ololī, woman by
The Kō`ele`ele was born and lived in the sea;
Guarded by the Ko punapuna Koeleele that grew in the forest.
A night of flight by noises
Through a channel; water is life to trees;
So the gods may enter, but not man.
Man by Wai`ololī, woman by
The Puaiki was born and lived in the sea;
Guarded by the Lauaki that grew in the forest.
A night of flight by noises
Through a channel; water is life to trees;
So the gods may enter, but not man.
Man by Wai`ololī, woman by
The Kikalamoa was born and lived in the sea;
Guarded by the Moamoa that grew in the forest.
A night of flight by noises
Through a channel; water is life to trees;
So the gods may enter, but not man.
Man by Wai`ololī, woman by Wai`ololā,
The Limukele was born and lived in the sea;
Guarded by the Ekele that grew in the forest.
A night of flight by noises
Through a channel; water is life to trees;
So the gods may enter, but not man.
Man by Wai`ololī, woman by
The Limukala was born and lived in the sea;
Guarded by the `Ākala that grew in the forest (raspberry).
A night of flight by noises
Through a channel; water is life to trees;
So the gods may enter, but not man.
Man by Wai`ololī, woman by
The Lipuupuu was born and lived in the sea;
Guarded by the Lipuu that grew in the forest.
A night of flight by noises
Through a channel; water is life to trees;
So the gods may enter but not man.
Man by Wai`ololī, woman by
The Loloa was born and lived in the sea;
Guarded by the Kalamaloloa that grew in the forest.
A night of flight by noises
Through a channel; water is life to trees;
So the gods may enter, but not man.
Man by
Wai`ololī, woman by
The Ne was born and lived in the sea;
Guarded by the Neneleau that grew in the forest (Hawaiian sumach).
A night of flight by noises
Through a channel; water is life to trees;
So the gods may enter, but not man.
Man by Wai`ololī, woman by
The Hulu-waena was born and lived in the sea;
Guarded by the Huluhulu `Ie`ie that grew in the forest.
A night of flight by noises
Through a channel; water is life to trees;
So the gods may enter, but not man.
A husband of gourd, and yet a god,
A tendril strengthened by water and grew
A being, produced by earth and spread,
Made deafening by the swiftness of Time
Of the Hee that lengthened through the night,
That filled and kept on filling
Of filling, until, filled
To filling, ’tis full,
And supported the earth, which held the heaven
On the wing of Time, the night is for Kumulipo (creation),
’Tis night. |